How easy is it to get a casual job in Thailand

Most foreigners doing this kind of work in Thailand work as English teachers, as this is really the only work opportunity available. Legally, you can't work without a work permit (which is difficult to get, you must have a degree amongst other requirements). A reputable language school should provide this for you, but not all of them will. Even if you're unqualified, getting a job is relatively easy but it will only pay around 25000B a month. If you don't get a work visa, you are in a very weak position and can't do anything if the school decides not to pay you for any reason, or the Immigration bureau decides to check up etc...If you don't really know how to teach, it's not worth getting a job like this in Thailand. Unqualified teachers are made to work hard, have poor working conditions and you have a responsibility to provide value for money for the students. Check and Stickman's guide for more information on teaching in Thailand